Professional foresters that are forestry consultants, municipal, state and federal agency foresters, forestry advocacy organization foresters, forest product mill wood procurement foresters, timber supply company foresters, company timberland foresters, timberland investment organization foresters, bank timberland management foresters, timberland real estate foresters, power company foresters as well as many other professional forester occupations.
Service contractors like loggers, tree planters, herbicide applicators, prescribed burning contractors, road building and maintenance contractors, as well as timber purchasing agents for mills and timber supply companies, urban landscape and tree services, wildlife managers, and others not providing forest management advice.
Use the search function options under the "Registered Forester Roster" section of the website. You can search by name, county or see the entire current roster.
Fill out the “Change of Address Form” in this section located under FORMS in the website's navigation menu. You may also update information each year on your license renewal form.