Rules of Professional Conduct Accepted by Sworn Affidavit of Each Applicant

  1. Advertise only in a dignified manner, setting forth in truthful and factual statements the services one is prepared to render for prospective clients and for the public.
  2. Strive for correct and increasing knowledge of forestry and the dissemination of this knowledge and will discourage and condemn the spreading of untrue, unfair, and exaggerated statements concerning forestry.
  3. When serving as an expert witness on forestry matters, in a public or private fact-finding proceeding, will base testimony on adequate knowledge of the subject matter, and render an opinion based on one’s own honest convictions.
  4. Refrain from expressing publicly, an opinion on a technical subject, unless informed as to the facts relating thereto, and will not distort or withhold data of a substantial or other nature for the purpose of sustaining a point of view.
  5. Not voluntarily disclose information concerning the business affairs of one’s principals, clients, or employers which they desire to keep confidential, unless express permission is first obtained.
  6. Not, without the full knowledge and consent of one’s principal, client or employer have an interest in any business which may influence one’s judgment in regard to the work for which engaged.
  7. Not, for the same service, accept compensation of any kind, other than from one’s principal, client or employer without full disclosure, knowledge and consent of all parties concerned.
  8. Engage, or advise one’s principal, client or employer to engage other experts and specialists in forestry and related fields whenever the client’s or employer’s interests would be best served by such actions and will cooperate freely with them in their work.
  9. Aid in safeguarding against the registration of persons unqualified because of lack of good moral character or of adequate training.
  10. If one has substantial and convincing evidence of unprofessional conduct of a registered forester, one will present the information to the State Board of Registration for Foresters.